4 Carrying Capacity

According to EIA 2008, the effect of impact on the environment by fish farms is calculated in consideration of the amount of food and amount of fish. FCR is 2 for sea bass and 2.2 for sea bream. Food not consumed by automatic feeding is calculated as 0.1 percent. For other feeding processes 12 percent is estimated. The amount of nitrogen (N) and phosphorous (P) are calculated according to these numbers. In the TUBITAK’s (2010) report, a project in which the MERAMOD software was used, a map of the distribution of the organic matter from the fish farm was made. Within the IMST-216 2013 project, some modules of this software are in the pipeline, hopefully to be operated on.


TRIX values interpolated from modeled outputs and old fish farming areas in Gulluk Bay  

Figure 8. TRIX values interpolated from modeled outputs and old fish farming areas in Gulluk Bay (Yucel-Gier, et al., 2013).