ADD Aquaculture Development Directorate (Albania)
AEWA African Eurasian Waterbird Agreement
ANPE National Agency of Environment Protection
APAL Agency for the Protection and Management of the Littoral

CAQ Committee on Aquaculture
CCRF Code of conduct for responsible fisheries
CR Country report
CRDA Commissariat for agriculture development
CITES Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora EAA Ecosystem approach to aquaculture
EAF Ecosystem approach to fisheries
EAM Environment and aquaculture in the Mediterranean
EC European Commission
EFF European Fisheries Fund
EIFAAC European Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture Advisory Commission EMP Eel management plan
EU European Union
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
FEAP Federation of European Aquaculture Producers
FMO Fishery management organization
GAFRD General Authority for Fisheries Resources Development
GDP Gross domestic product
GFCM General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean
GIS Geographic information system
IACF Interaction between aquaculture and capture fisheries
IBA Important bird areas
ICZM Integrated coastal zone management
ICES International Council for the Exploration of the Sea
Ifremer Institut francais de recherche pour l'exploitation de la mer
INRA Institut national de la recherche agronomique
INRH Institut national de recherche halieutique
INSTM Institut des sciences et technologies de la mer
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature

IUU Illegal, unreported and unregulated (fishing)
MARA Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs
MADR Ministere de l’agriculture et du developpement rural (Algeria) MAP Action Plan for the Mediterranean
MiPAAF Italian Ministry for Agricultural,Food and Forestry Policies
MPA Marine protected area
MRRH Ministere de la peche et des ressources halieutiques (Algeria) NDF Non-detriment finding
NGO Non-governmental organization
ONDPA Office national developpement et protection aquacole, Spa (Algeria) PCI Principles, criteria, indicators
PDO Protected designation of origin
RAC/SPA Regional Activiy Centre for Specially Protected Areas
SCI Sites of community interest
SGIPEE Study Group on International Post-evaluation on Eels
SIPAM Information System for the Promotion of Aquaculture in the Mediterranean SPA Special protection areas for birds
SPAMI Specially protected areas of Mediterranean importance
SPZ Special protection zone
SSB Spawning stock biomass
SZC Special zones of conservation
TLA Traffic-light approach
Unesco United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization WCED United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development WFD Water Framework Directive
WGSC Working Group on Site Selection and Carrying Capacity WGSA Working Group on Sustainability in Aquaculture
WWF World Wild Fund for Nature