1.3 Living resources
Albanian coastal lagoons offer adequate conditions for the variety of living organisms, in terms of species and biomass. They feature feature a complex and varied biodiversity and provide habitats for vertebrates, wintering and nesting birds, marine finfish, mammals, reptiles and amphibians.
In general, lagoons flora and fauna include a great number of species: 363 plant, 71 mammal, 144 fish, 307 bird, 45 amphibian and reptile species have been so far recorded in Albanian wetland areas, of which coastal lagoons represent an important part. Concerning migratory birds, an average of 130 000 wintering birds has been recorded, in particular in the Karavasta, Narta and Butrinti lagoons. The birds wintering community is dominated by Anas Penelope and Anas crecca. Areas such as Karavasta and Narta are of global importance for nesting birds, namely Pelecanus crispus, Sterna albifronts and Glareola pratincola. The Viluni lagoon (Velipoja area) is the only area where the globally endangered species Aythya nyroca still breads. In the delta of the Buna river (close to Viluni), a threatened species (Phalacrocorax pygmaetus) can also be observed during the breeding season.
As far as marine fish species are concerned, the main fiheries in Albanian coastal lagoons are grey mullet, European eel, seabass and seabream. Among critically threatened a species, from a bioversity point of view, it is worth mentioning the presence of sturgeon (Acipenser sturio).
Table IV: Endemic/subendemic species in Albanian wetlands
(Inventory of Albanian Wetlands, ECAT-Tirana)
Table V: Globally threatened vertebrate species in Albanian wetlands
(Source: ECAT-Tirana. Inventory of Albanian Wetlands ECAT-Tirana)
* CR= critically endangered; EN=endangered; VU= vulnerable; LR= lower risk; cd= conservation dependent; nt= near threatened; DD= data deficient;