7.5 Lagoon exploitation
There are no fishing or aquaculture activities in the lagoons. Fishers periodically manually collect a crab, locally called kanjoc, Upogebia pusilla, in the Tivat Salina. These crabs are used as excellent bait for longline fishing for sparids (Joksimovic, 2006).
The only production of the area is the one reported from a shellfish farm just outside the Tivat lagoon, which probably has an influence on it. Its annual production of Mediterranean mussel is 40 tonnes.
The monitoring of birds populations, including ichthyophagous species and their interactions with fish populations, is placed under the responsibility of the Natural Protection Institute of Podgorica.
7.6 References
Borovic, I., Mandic, S., Hegedis, A. & Mickovic, B. 2000. Mogucnosti koriscenja slatkih i brakicnih povrsinskih voda Crnogorskog primorja za potrebe akvakulture i njihova zastita. »Zastita voda 2000«. 197–202.
Coastal Zone of Montenegro. 2007. Spatial plan of the Coastal Zone. Budva. 170 pp.
Cubrovic, Z. 2005. Exhibition catalogue. Projector. Center for Cultural Heritage. Tivat Salina. 8 pp.
Mandic, S. Kljajic, Z., Joksimovic, A. & Mickovic, B. 2004. Uslovi za razvoj marikulture u priobalnim vodama Crnogorskog primorja. 33 Jugoslovenska Konferencija o o zastiti voda »VODE 2004«, 8-11 jun, 2004. Borsko jezero. Zbornik radova: 419–422.
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Saveljic, D. 2008. Eco-guide to the lagoon ecosystems of Montenegro. Edited by Albertzo Basset-Sara Alemano. Vol.2. Universita del Salento. 119 pp.
Saveljic, D. 2007. Dossier for protected area/Special reserve of nature Tivat Salina. Podgorica, National Institute for Protection Nature of Montenegro, pp. 15–18.
Sadoul, N., Walmesley, J. & Charpentier, B. 1998. Salinas and nature conservation. Tour du Valat, MedWet. 95 pp.
White, P. 2001. Marine aquaculture development in the Mediterranean region. In O. Otterstad & A. Benovic, eds. Report of the Worshop on Releasing Development Potentials at the Eastern Adriatic Coast, Dubrovnik (Croatia) October 2001, pp. 136-139.