Aquaculture Parks in Uganda
Nelly Isyagi1
Fisheries are Uganda’s third most important source of foreign exchange contributing to the livelihoods of about 5.3 million people. To sustain economic growth arising from the sector, an additional 300,000 tonnes/year of fish is required. However, Uganda’s natural waters have reached their maximum sustainable yield. Large scale commercial aquaculture offers the only feasible option through which the additional production needs can be achieved within the medium term. Currently, aquaculture production is from isolated small farms that make it difficult to establish production and marketing value chains. Increasing the number of such units shall pose challenges for environmental management.
The Government of Uganda decided to investigate the facilitation of small/medium scale aquaculture development through the development of “Aquaculture parks” (or clusters of farms) located within designated high aquaculture potential areas. This case study describes the government of Uganda steps to identify potential aquaculture areas/zones, and undertake feasibility and economic studies for land based and lake based aquaculture parks. It is an example how a country that has a relatively low level of aquaculture production can identify potential zones and plan area management of those aquaculture zones as a way forward towards responsible and sustainable aquaculture development.
Considering the level of investment and production objectives of Aquaculture Parks, for success and sustainability, it is critical that they be established within appropriate zones. Environmental, social and economic characteristics will determine the location, number, size and appropriate operating systems of the parks. This approach will increase likelihood of success and sustainabil
1 The views expressed in this information product are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of FAO or the World Bank Group.
Isyagi, N. 2017. Aquaculture Parks in Uganda. In J. Aguilar-Manjarrez, D. Soto & R. Brummett. Aquaculture zoning, site selection and area management under the ecosystem approach to aquaculture. Full document, pp. 332–357. Report ACS113536. Rome, FAO, and World Bank Group, Washington, DC. 395 pp.