CV coefficient of variation
K condition factor
RSD relative standard deviation

W biomass
Length, area, time, speed, volume, weight, concentration
mm millimetre
cm centimetre
m metre
M nautical mile (also NM)
km kilometre
cm2 square centimetre
m2 square metre
km2 square kilometre
s second
min minute
h hour
Kn knots (speed, equal to nautical miles per hour)

km/h Kilometres per hour
cc cubic centimetre (= ml)
m3 cubic metre
ml millilitre (= cc)
l litre
mg milligram
g gram
kg kilogram
mt metric tonne (1 000 kg) (also written as tonne)
ppt parts per thousand (also written as ‰)
ppm parts per million
ppb parts per billion (thousand million)
Nautical, oceanographic
DD decimal degree
DMS degree minutes seconds
DM degrees decimal minutes
Hs significant wave height (also SWH)
Tp peak wave period
Tm mean wave period
Vc current speed
Other abbreviations and symbols
kWh kilowatt-hour
N Newton
kN kilo Newton (= 1 000 Newton)
°C degree Celsius
< less than
> greater than
n.a. not analysed or not available (also written as N/A)
no. number
O diameter