6.7 Environmental considerations

A number of problems affect fisheries and aquaculture in coastal lagoons in Italy, and most are related to environmental constraints of these ecosystems. Most of these constraints are not recent, and have been extensively described (Ardizzone et al., 1988; Marino et al., 2009), but the resolution of environmental problems is not easy, probably because of a lack of integration between ecological knowledge and their rendering in strategies and plans related to lagoon management.

The functionality of many coastal lagoons depends on the interactions between anthropogenic impacts and natural phenomena, which may influence the ecosystem dynamics and affect the trophic status of the lagoon, influencing productivity and sometimes the conservation and even survival of lagoon living resources. The permanence and preservation of the lagoon system thus depends on the physical characteristics and the status of biological resources in the area (inside and outside the lagoon), but also on the human activities carried out to improve lagoon morphology, hydrology and trophic status in these coastal ecosystems. Periodic dystrophic phenomena are a natural occurrence for many lagoons and represent the main cause of aquatic fauna mortalities and loss of fish product (Izzo and Hull, 1991).
A major environmental issue is the increasing pollution from freshwater inputs to coastal lagoons, particularly heavy where the exchanges with the sea are reduced or absent. The 2005 Report of the Italian Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio defined the Orbetello lagoon, the Comacchio valli, the Po delta, the Lesina and Varano lakes and the Latium coastal lakes as sensitive areas (art. 18, D.Lgs. 152/99). At present, the trophic state of many Italian coastal lagoons is increasing as a result of inputs of organic pollutants. Among the stressors, nitrogen rather than phosphorus loadings seems to have increased over time (Vitousek et al., 1997; Howarth and Marino, 2006). In well-managed lagoons, this situation can lead to a growing trend in fish yield (Kapetsky and Lasserre, 1984) as in the Orbetello lagoon, but only too often it leads to a dystrophic state with periodic mass mortalities (Ardizzone, 1985).

In some lagoons, increased eutrophication is due to aquaculture and agricultural activities, as well as the discharge of treated/untreated urban wastewater. This has brought about qualitative and quantitative changes in the vegetation. Changes from seagrasses (phanerogams) to macroalgae and macroalgal blooms have been widely observed in Italian coastal lagoons, sometimes coupled with microalgal blooms. When blooms impair the penetration of the light through the water column, preventing photosynthesis, anaerobic degradation of organic matters is triggered. Dystrophic crises often occurred in the past in the Orbetello lagoon and in deeper lagoons where water circulation is reduced in the water column: examples are the lagoons of Sabaudia, Fondi and Lungo (Ardizzone et al., 1988), but also in shallower lagoons such as many Sardinian ponds.
Lagoons are ultimately under strong anthropogenic pressure from watersheds, as they receive freshwater input, rich in organic and mineral nutrients drained from heavily exploited catchments and from the surrounding urban and industrial settlements (see, for example, the Venice lagoon). Heavy metals (Cr, Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn, As, Hg) in both the upper and lower sediment layers (Franchi et al., 2003; Giordano et al., 2003) are some of the xenobiotic substances found in certain Italian coastal lagoons. PCBs have been found in eels from many coastal lagoons (Mariottini et al., 2006; Bettinetti et al., 2010). All these anthropogenic pressures are responsible for important ecosystem alterations, i.e. eutrophication, bacterial contamination, algal blooms (toxic or not), anoxia and fish mortality, and the possible presence of contaminants in fish.
Local stressors have also combined with global processes. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report (2001) predicts an annual temperature increase in the Mediterranean area of between 0.2 and 0.6 °C per decade, an increase in short and intense precipitations and a greater seasonal differentiation in precipitation, with an increase of up to 4 152 percent in winter and a decrease of up to 5 percent in summer. Further, additional problems are caused by coastal erosion, subsidence and effects related to extreme meteorological events, typical of Mediterranean areas.
The protection of piscivorous birds led to a considerable increase in their populations; in several regions they have reached a level at which they cause heavy economic losses to most coastal lagoon fisheries and extensive aquaculture throughout Italy. Predation by ichthyophagous birds, in particular cormorants, is a main effect when the fish are in the wintering ponds in the valli.
Overfishing in coastal areas has led to a reduction of natural fish recruitment to lagoons, and also to a reduced availability of seed for restocking, an important practice to sustain fish production in the vallicoltura. This is particularly true for eel, a species typical of Italian, and Mediterranean, coastal lagoons.
Other constraints, for example in Sardegna, are linked to a progressive loss of the capacity to manage water exchanges between lagoon and sea, which brings about consequences on the stocks of euryhaline fish species migrating between sea and lagoons.
Most lagoons in Italy suffer from the consequences of general environmental changes linked to coastal erosion, subsidence, extreme meteorological events recently amplified (wider precipitation levels between seasons).
Other sources of constraints are linked to market, such as competition with intensive fish production, lack of continuity in market supply compared with the intensive product, lack of specific labels adding value to lagoon products and an inadequate legislative framework.
The author is grateful to Stefano Cataudella, Lorenzo Tancioni, Piero Franzoi, Alessandra Cannas, Michele Pellizzato and Donatella Crosetti for providing useful data and information on Italian coastal lagoons, and to Marco Dell’Aquila, Unimar, for the support in the GIS control of the Italian lagoons.

6.8 References

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