Annex 4. Tools and Models for Aquaculture Zoning, Site Selection and Area


Richard Anthony Corner and José Aguilar-Manjarrez1

Background and objectives

Decision makers, faced with data and output from spatial tools, often lack a basic understanding of spatial modelling technologies, including their limitations and strengths and the kinds of questions that can be addressed by them that would allow for operational use and informed decisions. The same range of understanding is required to decide on the level of adoption of additional tools and models that are needed to analyze and address aquaculture zoning, site selection and area management options. Expanding awareness and realizing the analytical potential of tools and models of all types are key to making better informed decisions.

Success in application of tools and models depends on the assessment required, applications available, finances applied and capacity of users to apply them appropriately.
With regard to the latter, capacities vary among and within countries, so there is a need to match training and technical support to the capacity to absorb them. The range of tools and models is relatively large and growing, including overall governance approaches, spatial analysis and modelling, and ecosystem and site specific models; and vary from very simple to complex in application. Some require purchase and others can be obtained for free (Open Source). In essence, analytical techniques should be designed and delivered to match the need, and capacity of the users to apply the tools and models appropriately.
Investment on governance approaches, spatial tools, ecosystem and site specific tools and models should be made with a clear understanding of what should be accomplished with such application and in particular on the decision-support needs involved and the variety of stakeholder requirements that the tools can fulfil.

Application of tools and models is part of the overall ecosystem approach to aquaculture (EAA), which in turn is primarily about people and collective interest to develop aquaculture in an environmental and peoplefriendly way. It is entirely up to aquaculture competent authorities, decision makers and analysts, as potential EAA implementers, to make sure that tools and models are used responsibly, in an appropriate manner that makes their application useful and effective.
The main objective of this annex is to provide an overview of tools and models that are applicable to aquaculture zoning, site selection and area management, of relevance to developing and developed countries.
This annex should be considered as a brief introduction and a reference. Additional reading and references have been selected under each subsection in this annex to allow for more thorough investigation on specific topics. It is not designed specifically to be read in sequence, and the reader is able to select the parts of interest, gain a brief understanding of the techniques, tools or models available, and undertake further reading where necessary. That specific tools, models and approaches are listed here and others not should not be taken as an endorsement or condemnation of a specific tool, model or product. The reader is advised to seek professional support where needed.

1 The views expressed in this annex are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of FAO or the World Bank Group.

Corner, R. A. & Aguilar-Manjarrez. J. 2017. Tools and Models for Aquaculture Zoning, Site Selection and Area Management. In J. Aguilar-Manjarrez, D. Soto & R. Brummett. Aquaculture zoning, site selection and area management under the ecosystem approach to aquaculture. Full document, pp. 95–145. Report ACS113536. Rome, FAO, and World Bank Group, Washington, DC. 395 pp.

Overview of this annex

Chapter 2 of the handbook of this publication identifies a number of spatial tools and models to support aquaculture zoning, site selection and area management. Table 4, in particular, lists a substantive number of tools that can aid development of zoning for aquaculture, assist in the selection of appropriate sites, and support the design of area management plans. Such activities and tools can be carried out over different spatial scales: from regional, national areas, including exclusive economic zones (EEZs), local and site scale; and different temporal scales: from single production cycles, through multiple cycles, to longterm sustainable development for future generations.
In Annex 4, a brief description is given of some overall governance approaches that should be implemented to ensure aquaculture is developed in a sustainable manner using the EAA, supported by other tools and models, that help achieve the required aims of site zoning, site selection and area management. Under each subsection further reading is provided to support understanding, which may lead to further examples.
The annex is divided into three parts.
Part 1 includes a table that summarizes each of the ten case studies in this publication (detailed reports are available in Annex 5) to highlight the tools and models that have been applied within each. Each case study has a brief introduction on the background and context for the application of aquaculture zoning, site selection and/or area management, and a description of some of the approaches, spatial tools and models used to implement the zoning, area management and site selection activities undertaken.
Part 2 summarizes some of the critical requirements that will achieve good overall governance of aquaculture development. It includes short sections on strategic planning for aquaculture; the need for aquaculture specific laws and regulations; developing codes of conduct, codes of practice or best management practices; the application of spatial planning under the EAA and marine spatial planning. Use of the environmental impacts assessment and evaluation of carrying capacity are not strictly related to governance, but nonetheless provide the means by which site specific decisions are made by regulators when locating aquaculture farms, and are therefore included.
Part 3 provides a brief description of some of the tools and models used for aquaculture zoning, site selection and area management, and includes brief descriptions for some of the available cross-cutting computer models developed for this purpose, including the use of geographic information systems (GIS). This part also describes some of the tools and models listed in the case study table and some from the list in Table 4 in Chapter 2 of the handbook. It is not, however, an exhaustive listing of all available techniques, tools and models available worldwide.

Useful Definitions

Before reading this section, there are two useful definitions that require clarification. In this document: Tool has a very wide definition, and is considered as any legislative instrument (laws, regulations, guidelines), process (such as stakeholder engagement), computer model application (such as GIS, or computer models to assess impacts of aquaculture), or other approaches that can be used or be implemented to help and support the development of aquaculture; and the gathering, analysis and presentation of data to aid decision making.
Model is considered a predictive tool, mainly developed by modelling specialists, using state-of-the-art equations to describe specific actions (e.g., fish growth), interactions (e.g., cage aquaculture wastes into the environment), and consequences (e.g., setting of local carrying capacity) of aquaculture. Models provide information to enable understanding of sometimes complex activity and interactions that would otherwise not be possible.
Outputs from models, by definition, cannot provide definitive “answers”, but do support decision making by giving outcomes (e.g., species growth, aquaculture waste deposition, changes to water quality from aquaculture activity) that improve understanding. Models generally require calibration to local conditions and validation through data collection.