
Every cage on the farm must be checked every day, most importantly to inspect the nets. Nets are made of materials less strong than other components and they can be damaged by a number of factors.

As with other components, nets are exposed to both static and dynamic forces. They may also suffer more than other components from biofouling. Nets can be damaged both by the fish that they contain and by the surrounding marine fauna. Also nets can suffer from incidents of theft or vandalism where the nets may be cut to allow thieves' access to the fish inside, resulting in subsequent fish escapes.
During the nets' inspection the diver must check all the structural parts of the cage, the sinker-tube or sinkers and their respective lines.
These inspections must verify that:
No abrasion or damage is visible on the nets or ropes.
? Nets are not excessively clogged by biofouling organisms.
The nets are well installed and the attachment ropes are not worn or excessively fouled and are functioning properly.
The sinker system is well trimmed (correct position of ropes), and the lines holding it in place are not worn out or excessively colonized by biofouling organisms.